Behind the Scenes at Fine Art Limited

    We continue our countdown to Sunday’s State of the Arts premiere with a behind the scenes look at one of the show’s tapings from Fine Art Limited.

    Located in Chesterfield Valley, Fine Art Limited has established itself as a high-quality contributor to the art industry–not just locally or nationally, but worldwide.  They are the world’s largest publisher of fine art that commemorates special events. Also notable is that they have produced art commemorating all of the Olympic Games since 1988. Some of Fine Art Limited’s work can even be seen in the International Olympic Museum in Switzerland.

    Speaking of the Olympics, one of Fine Art Limited’s artists participated in the Olympic Sport and Art Contest in the 2012 London Olympics, and brought the Art & Culture gold medal home to St. Louis!  Martin Linson’s winning sculpture, “Omnipotent Triumph,” is a faceless sculpture with such an interesting story behind its creation.

    "Omnipotent Triumph"--Linson's Olympic-winning sculpture that features a faceless athlete in a wheelchair celebrating an Olympic win.

    When he is not winning gold medals, Linson is an Adjunct Professor at St. Louis Art Institute, a Lindenwood University instructor (which is where he was when he received the news of his Olympic win), and the owner of Linson Studios and Lighthouse and Lighthouse Screen Printing. His artistic work is un-surprisedly displayed in various private collections.

    Reporter Victoria Babu, sculptor Martin Linson, and HEC-TV Marketing Coordinator, Erica Kenney.

    It was quite an honor to meet Martin and feature him in our spring episode of State of the Arts. Victoria Babu and I were lucky enough to watch him in action as he demonstrated the process involved in creating one-of-a-kind sculptures.

    Linson Working

    Linson Working 2

    Tune into State of the Arts March 17 to learn the full story behind the creation of ‘Omnipotent Triumph.’