“Incomparable Grace: JFK In the Presidency” by Mark Updegrove

    The presidency of John F. Kennedy was brief yet eventful. In his short time in office, JFK steered the nation though the Cuban Missile Crisis, the dawn of the Civil Rights movement and a failed military invasion of Cuba.Author Mark Updegrove has crafted a brisk and thorough portrait of JFK’s presidency. Updegrove is the president and CEO of the LBJ Foundation and the Presidential Historian for ABC News.Without reinforcing the stereotype of JFK’s administration as a mythological Camelot, “Incomparable Grace” leaves the reader with a greater understanding of the 35th president as a leader who is far from perfect, yet rises above challenges with unparalleled grace.

    Books available from Left Bank Books : https://www.left-bank.com/book/9781524745745.

    Presented by the St. Louis County Library and HEC Media.

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