Spotlight: Liver Disease Research, Jane Goodall, & Captain Wendell O. Pruitt

    In this week’s episode, a Saint Louis University researcher studying genetic liver disease leads and investigation into an effective new drug, what you’ll find inside the Jane Goodall exhibit inside the St. Louis Science Center, a debut novel that is a transportive work of historical fiction, art that highlights the changing seasons and how people react to them, why St. Louisans recognize Captain Wendell O. Pruitt every December 12th, holiday fun for the whole family to enjoy at the National Museum of Transportation including model trains and visits from Santa Claus, and “The Holly & The Ivy” performed by the Webster University Department of Music.

    SLU Researcher Leads Development of Treatment For A Liver Disease That Has Long Been Untreatable
    After about 30 years of research, a St. Louis University scientist and his colleagues have a possible new treatment for a genetic liver disease.

    Becoming Jane: The Evolution of Dr. Jane Goodall at the Saint Louis Science Center
    The Saint Louis Science Center’s new special exhibit Becoming Jane explores the life and work of one of the world’s most important living scientific pioneers.

    The Tobacco Wives, A Conversation with Adele Myers
    A vibrant historical debut set in 1946 North Carolina following a young female seamstress who uncovers dangerous truths about Big Tobacco.

    Seasonal Rhythms at Webster Arts
    Seasonal Rhythms is the new exhibit at Webster Arts exploring the changing seasons and how people react to them.

    Captain Wendell O. Pruitt
    December 12th is Wendell Oliver Pruitt Day in St. Louis. Who was this man who garnered his own day of recognition since 1944?

    The National Museum of Transportation’s Holiday Activities
    Every year the National Museum of Transportation features holiday fun for the whole family to enjoy including model trains and visits from Santa Claus.

    The Holly & The Ivy
    By the Webster University Department of Music. Watch the full concert here.