“The Bronzed Beast,” A conversation with author Roshani Chokshi

    Returning to the dark and glamorous 19th-century world of her New York Times instant bestseller, The Gilded Wolves, Roshani Chokshi dazzles us with the final riveting tale as full of mystery and danger. Returning to the dark and glamorous 19th-century world of her New York Times instant bestseller, The Gilded Wolves, Roshani Chokshi dazzles us with the final riveting tale as full of mystery and danger as ever. “The Bronzed Beasts,” aristocratic treasurer hunter Séverin and his team of societal outcasts must make their way through the haunted waterways of Venice facing plague pits and deadly masquerades, unearthly songs, and the shining steps of a temple whose powers might offer divinity itself… but at a price they may not be willing to pay.

    Books available from The Novel Neighbor: https://thenovelneighbor.com/item/Il6kMAbOMSej5HdJXxD0Ww.
    Presented by the St. Louis County Library and HEC Media.
    Published by St. Martin’s Press.
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